Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stayin' Cool on a Hot Day!

It was soooo hot & humid today! Kylie and I took a walk to the park and needed to cool off when we got home. She's sportin' her new swimming suit she got from her great-grandma Hughey.

Nothin' like some Cheerios to snack on while dryin' off! She calls them her "O's"

Stacking blocks and kicking them much fun! Can't forget the blue ring on the leg! ;)

At the park


  1. love the new bathing suit, Kylie. You look so grown up in it. Have fun cooling down. Soon grandma will be there to help you in the bath\pool xoxo

  2. Just got the video to open. Your little waddle is so cute, Kylie Grace. Stomping the colors great idea dad. xoxo
