Sunday, June 19, 2011

So much fun! :)

Kylie loves to play in the fountain at church. She gets to do it AFTER church is out b/c she usually gets soaked! :)

We were on a walk on Saturday and stopped at a garage sale uptown. Kylie got some fake flowers! To her they were just as fun to smell as real ones! Not bad for 10 cents!

It's so helpful when Kylie wants to push the stoller herself! ;)

She had just can see the nice scrape on her knee. 3 days later she still points to it and says "ouch", I kiss it and it makes it all better again. :)

Testing out her new bike!

Out on our daily walk...

1 comment:

  1. Kylie you will love grandma's house it is full of flowers you can smell all day and pick too! Good practicing pushing the stroller for your new little brother or sister. You will be all ready to help. xoox Grandma LOVES YOU
