Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day & More!

It was "Baby Dedication" Sunday on Mother's Day. What a great day to do that! There were 5 babies that were dedicated. I feel so blessed to be a mom!
Kurt was making Kylie laugh for this picture...

Our family...

After the service we went to Grandpa & Grandma Rietema's house for Mother's Day lunch...and ended up playing some "Minute to win it" challenges!

Angie(Kurt's older sister) is trying to collect penne pasta noodles with a spaghetti noodle. If you've never seen the show, then this probably looks a little weird.
Kurt and Kaina are racing against the clock to carry cotton balls on their nose, using Vaseline to make it stick, from one bowl to another...

Using air from the balloon, Alan (Kurt's brother-in-law) has to make all the cups fall off the counter & table without touching them with his hand...we played a few others as well...
It was good times had by all...

I love when she falls asleep in my arms...

She's getting so tall!

Kylie now has her own Jumper-thingamabob...

She's pretty stoked on it...

That's all, folks!
There are so many little video clips I want to share, but our computer is not allowing it for some reason right now. I'm still looking into it. For now, pictures will have to do. :)


  1. Glad to see you and mommie had a fun Mother's Day. Kylie you have the BEST MOM EVER! Love the picture of you and mommie smiling together. Daddy sure can make you smile. I can already see that you love your daddy very much.
    WOW! You sure had a buzy day. Sounds like one of mommies days when she was a little girl.
    Enjoy them they go fast. Love you always, Grandma n Grandpa in Africa xooxox

  2. We LOVE minute to win it! SUCh a great resource for youth group games. Kylie is getting so big!!!
