Sunday, August 29, 2010

9 Months

Happy girls!

Kylie's a big fan of mirrors!

She looks giant in this picture...

okay, that's better! :)

On the move!

Playin' in Daddy's office...

Reminds me of Schroeder from the Peanuts...She sat like that herself. I didn't know babies could sit cross-legged like that! ;)

So, we were spending some time in the front yard. She was not so excited about the feel of the grass on her legs...

"This is called a leaf...right?"

She was much happier on the front step...

Pretty in pinks!

Daddy & Kylie at the sundial in the square uptown.

Back home from our walk...

On another walk...

Once again, she was not liking the feel of the grass so much...

At the park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon...

If Mommy looks tired it's because Kylie has had some rough days the last couple weeks...a lingering cold, ear infection, 6 teeth coming in, not sleeping at night...

Kylie has a new favorite book!

Our stroller is a little big for her to sit in without the car seat...but she hates sitting in the car seat...she wants to be able to look out and around. So, we put her in the Bumbo seat in the stroller so she could sit up and not squirm worked really well. I'm all stoked!


  1. 9 months where did the time go?? Kylie Grace you are growing up to be such a cutie-pie. Grandma LOVES you smile. The picture of you and mommy are my favorite. Daddy and you on walks looks like you are having fun with daddy in town. You sure are blessed Kylie Grace to have a mommy and daddy that love you so much. AND a grandma that is your favorite! tee-hee oxoxo
